How to Unlock Spiritual Gifts: Overcome Fear and Objection

By learning how to unlock spiritual gifts, Christian leaders and believers are given powerful tools to edify the Body of Christ and glorify God. Yet in many Christian circles, the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in the Bible are often overlooked, misunderstood, or even ignored.

This article aims to shed light on the importance of spiritual gifts, address some of the controversies surrounding them, and encourage believers to embrace these supernatural abilities and transform their life.

The True Nature of the Gifts of the Spirit

Part 7 of 8 by Don Bell | ⏱️ 6 minute read time

Winter Hillside With Glorious SunDiscover How to Unlock Spiritual Gifts in the Church
(Source: ©cta88/

When believers are learning to use the Holy Spirit's gifts, it's only normal that mistakes will be made. It's of no surprise to the Holy Spirit. Even those believers seasoned in exercising the gifts can make the occasional mistake.

Paul writes, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away" (1 Corinthians 13:9, 10).

Until Jesus returns at the last trumpet and we're all changed to an incorruptible state, we can only exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit IN PART. We haven't the capacity to manifest the full, complete nature of the Holy Spirit in our current state.

Scripture says, "[We] have TASTED the good word of God and THE POWERS OF THE AGE TO COME" (Hebrews 6:5, emphasis added).

Just imagine: As we exercise the gifts of the Spirit, we are experiencing a taste of the special powers (abilities) to be made available to us in the fullness of the Kingdom. Until that time, we must faithfully exercise the gifts in part, according to God's plan.

How to Unlock Spiritual Gifts in the Church Despite Common Barriers

There could be various reasons why many believers are not walking in the gifts of Spirit. There could also be reasons why some Christian leaders have chosen not to teach on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Some are still discovering these gifts for themselves. As we grow in our understanding and experience, we become better equipped to share and teach others. Scripture reminds us, "The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops" (2 Timothy 2:6).

Traditional Views and Misconceptions

Some theologians believe these gifts were only for The Early Church, while others see them as very active today.

Christian denominations and traditions vary significantly in their interpretation of spiritual gifts and their relevance for today. Some theological perspectives maintain that these supernatural manifestations were exclusively meant for the apostolic era and the establishment of The Early Church.

This view, represented by Dispensationalism and Cessationism, holds that spiritual gifts fulfilled their primary purpose during the foundation of The Early Church and the compilation of The New Testament, after which they gradually ceased to operate.

By studying Scripture together and remaining open to the Holy Spirit's guidance, we can better understand God's intentions for these gifts in our time. Just as the Bereans carefully examined the teachings they received (Acts 17:10-12), we can benefit from thoughtfully revisiting our understanding of the spiritual gifts and their practical role in Christian life.

Biblical Context

Some Christian leaders think there's no need for the gifts of the Spirit to be taught since the Holy Spirit will automatically manifest them in believers' lives. If that's the case, then why did Paul teach on the gifts? Why teach on anything?

Some quote this verse: "The anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you" (1 John 2:27). However, in its context, verse 27 exhorts believers to beware of false teachers and stand in the truths they've already learned, truths they had already been taught. Divine revelation and sound teaching work together.

Common Concerns

Christian leaders and believers are naturally concerned that unlocking spiritual gifts will lead to them being misused. However, proper teaching on how to use spiritual gifts will ensure they are exercised in an orderly and beneficial way.

Leadership Challenges

Some Christian leaders believe the gifts of the Spirit are only for ordained ministers formally trained for the work of the ministry or that those manifesting the gifts are believers specifically chosen by God when neither is true.

While some may think spiritual gifts are only for church leadership and those with a divine calling, Scripture shows they're given to equip and edify the entire Body of Christ. Every believer can participate in this divine empowerment (1 Corinthians 14:6).

Some don't want manifestations of the Holy Spirit interrupting planned-in-advance, formalized services. Finding the right balance between planned services, and allowing room for the Holy Spirit's movement, is an ongoing challenge. With wisdom and discernment, we can avoid quenching the Spirit by creating space for both order and spiritual freedom.

Jesus warns, "'But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in'" (Matthew 23:13).

Let's be among those who would advance the Kingdom by throwing open its gates, addressing how to unlock spiritual gifts in the Church, and inviting believers to experience everything that God offers.

Embracing Divine Power

Believers should never be fearful of the supernatural.

I've had believers ask, "Okay, I agree the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are in the Bible and that Paul encourages us to walk in them, but do we really need them?"

Often, such questions reflect natural uncertainties about stepping into supernatural experiences. Many believers may feel uneasy about the supernatural nature of the gifts, or wonder how to begin walking in them with confidence.

As Christians, we must embrace the supernatural aspect of the Kingdom. Consider Jesus' virgin birth, sacrificial death on the cross, physical resurrection from the dead, and bodily ascension into Heaven; they are all supernatural events demanding our acceptance by faith.

Ignorance can lead to unease and misunderstanding; that's why Paul addressed the Church at Corinth concerning the gifts (1 Corinthians 12). Once believers gain a practical understanding of the supernatural abilities given by the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of discernment of spirits, they'll no longer fear the supernatural realm. They'll eagerly embrace the gifts of the Spirit to do the works of Jesus and advance the Kingdom of God.

Unlocking the Power Within

Jesus promises, "'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled'" (Matthew 5:6). Filled means FILLED! This filling comes through the Holy Spirit, complete with His gifts — and yes, every believer has the Holy Spirit's gifts!

Christian leaders, it's time to either introduce your congregation to these supernatural gifts or seek God's guidance in finding someone who can demonstrate and teach them effectively.

Guide your congregation in discovering how to unlock spiritual gifts and use them effectively, offering both encouragement and loving correction when needed. Provide clear instruction and practical demonstration to help unlock their spiritual potential.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not lost relics of The Early Church or optional extras. They are essential tools given by the Holy Spirit to strengthen the Body of Christ and minister to a waiting world in need.

Growing in Spiritual Authority

We are so used to the natural world that the supernatural aspect of the Kingdom can feel strange and unnatural. But, the more we pray in tongues and exercise other gifts of the Spirit, the more walking in the Spirit begins to feel normal.

Knowing how to unlock spiritual gifts, let's step out in faith to embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As we exercise them in love, blessing others, we grow in our understanding of God's Kingdom, and discover our divine purpose.

More in This 8-Part Series

Part 8: How to Use Spiritual Gifts

In case you missed it, Part 1: Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

About the Author

Don Bell of Kingdom Anointing

Don Bell is the creator of the Kingdom Anointing website, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He shares insights from his spiritual journey to encourage ordinary believers to seek God's Kingdom and lead extraordinary lives in the Holy Spirit.

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