About Don Bell

Hi, I'm Don Bell, a follower of Jesus the Christ on a lifelong mission to discover and share God's amazing plan for His people in the Kingdom of God.

While Our Lord calls some Christians to a public ministry (Ephesians 4:11,12), most of us fulfill our callings in seemingly ordinary lives. That's me — "ordinary" to the point of being unnoticeable in a crowd.

Despite being ordinary, I firmly believe and know that "extraordinary" things can happen when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

I operate this website from my modest country home within the beautiful Kawartha Lakes region of central Ontario, Canada. The name Kawartha is derived from an indigenous word meaning "land of shining waters," and it's an ideal place to live while semiretired.

Our land was once part of my family's farm, and the fields, creeks, and forest that I once roamed as a young boy now provide solitude and a strong sense of belonging.

My wife Vicki and I have been married for almost fifty years, and we're blessed with four grown children: two boys and two girls. Similar to most people in this world, we've experienced our share of good days and bad, but God has been faithful in blessing us with a wonderful life.

We regularly attend a small local gathering of believers where we get to encourage and be encouraged while fellowshiping together and worshiping the Lord.

About the Kingdom Anointing Ministry

masada-overlooking-dead-seaAt Masada (מְצָדָה) Overlooking the Dead Sea
(Source: ©Don Bell)

In the 1980s, the late Sister Betty Igo, S.F.P., a nun well regarded in the U.S. for her involvement in Charismatic Renewal and the Christian Healing ministry, watched as I anointed a line of people with holy oil in a Charismatic Healing Mass. Afterward, she called me aside and shared a vision she had received.

Upon being anointed, each person had fallen to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit, and Sr. Betty saw a vision of the Father's hand hiding me from their view. It confirmed what I had often felt; that I serve unnoticed, allowing Him to receive the glory.

That's why creating the Kingdom Anointing website is a step of faith for me, as I am more comfortable being unnoticed. However, I believe God revealed His plan in this, saying, "'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it'" (Habakkuk 2:2).

I sincerely believe that God has placed His purpose and ideas for this site in my heart to strengthen and encourage other "ordinary" followers of Jesus to walk in the Spirit and lead fruitful, extraordinary lives as they reach out to others with His love.

The Beginnings

My Kingdom journey began in 1951, over seventy years ago on our family's farm. I vividly remember a profound experience where I sensed God's presence.

I was five years old and had finished eating a bowl of my then favorite breakfast cereal. I hurried outside and ran along the rail fence east of our house to my favorite tree in the old orchard.

The yellow dandelions dotted the hillside, the morning's air smelled fresh and clean, and the bright morning's sun hinted of a warm summer's day.

The century-old apple tree had a leaning trunk that was perfect for climbing, and I loved to sit among its gnarled branches and watch the cattle grazing nearby.

However, that morning I chose to lay on the soft grass beneath the tree and gaze upwards at the rays of sunlight filtering through the leaves. I closed my eyes. It was warm and peaceful lying there, with only the occasional twittering of a songbird to break the silence.

SUDDENLY, overhead, it was as though the sky had been torn apart. A cacophonous sound, reminiscent of a symphony orchestra tuning burst upon me. I can recall its intensity now as clearly as I heard it then.

Startled, I lay frozen in wonderment. How long the heavenly sound lasted I cannot say, but as soon as I dared to move, I jumped to my feet and ran as fast as I could to the house, my heart pounding in my chest.

Mom was busy at the stove, when I burst into the farm kitchen and breathlessly tried to describe what I had experienced. She patiently listened, then said with a smile, "Oh, it's just your imagination." But I knew differently.

Summoning my courage, I went back outside and cautiously returned to the old apple tree, all the while gazing upward to the sky and listening intently. There was only silence.

I never forgot the experience of that morning. Years later, I realized that God had revealed His glory from the heavens. If only I hadn't run to the house!

This encounter marked the beginning of my unwavering faith in God's existence, and my experiencing His miraculous presence in my life.

The Background

While I lack formal theological training, I consider it a blessing from God. It allows me to study the Bible with an unbiased lens, free from manmade religious traditions and denominational viewpoints. As a layperson, I approach the Scriptures with an open heart, guided by the Holy Spirit.

For over fifty years, though raised Anglican, God has involved me in various mainline churches, independent house churches, and prayer groups. He has given me opportunities to teach on the gifts of the Spirit, minister healing, and to lead healing retreats. On one occasion, He opened the door for me, a non Catholic, to lead a Catholic Charismatic prayer group with the blessing of the diocesan bishop.

I have observed a wide range of ministries, some good and some not so good, and through these experiences, I gained valuable insights. The Holy Spirit has provided me with unique training that surpasses what any Bible school could have offered.

Are you attending a dry church where the Word is preached but the power of the Spirit is missing? Do you crave something deeper and more authentic, a true connection with the Holy Spirit and His anointing?

I know exactly how you feel. Be encouraged in knowing that God has so much more to offer you. Much more! I pray that my articles will inspire you to explore a deeper journey within God's Kingdom.

The Qualifications

I once attended a large ministry conference in the U.S., and my then-pastor kindly provided me with a letter of introduction: "To whom it may concern, I have known Don Bell for over 20 years. He is an able minister of the gospel, having taught at many churches and other functions in and around this area."

It was encouraging for me to realize that it's God who qualifies and ordains. As the Apostle Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 4:10, we each have received gifts to minister to one another.

Jesus Himself says, "'You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you'" (John 15:16).

Formal Bible study can have its advantage, as long as it aligns with God's plan for you. However, it's important to remember that fishermen, a tentmaker, a tax collector, and ordinary believers were entrusted with sharing the greatest story ever told.

It's in this context that I invite you to journey with me to explore God's Kingdom.

The Articles

My writing reflects my thoughts and experiences as I explore the Kingdom of God in fellowship with Jesus the Christ. My desire is to know Him intimately, and my beliefs remain open to the Holy Spirit's adjustments.

Naturally, I cannot claim originality for all truths shared, as over the years I've read many books and listened to many messages by various Christian speakers, and the origin of much that I've learned has become blurred or forgotten.

My prayer is the articles published on this site might offer you a fresh perspective, a different angle, or serve to provoke thoughtful questions to deepen your faith.

There are special times when God imprints a specific Bible verse deep in our hearts. Back in 1971, I served briefly as a go-between for the late healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman and our local television station regarding the airing of her program "I Believe in Miracles." However, it turned out she was heavily committed to other stations, and it wasn't feasible.

Miss Kuhlman closed one of her letters to me with the following Scripture verse: "'Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not'" (Jeremiah 33:3 KJV).

Jeremiah 3:22 ScriptureJeremiah 33:3
Source: © Don Bell

Shortly after, I received a letter from a dear friend, Adeline Lowrie, an elderly missionary who had served over twenty years in mainland China, before the communist takeover in 1949. Surprisingly, her letter contained the identical passage from Jeremiah.

From then on, that Scripture became a rhema word from God for me, a heart's desire, and His revelation has never stopped flowing.

The Invitation

Through my informal studies and experiences, I've gained practical insights into the things of God. I am eager to share these insights with you and invite you to join me in getting to know God's goodness and greatness.

Walking with God is a lifelong journey, and through belief in Jesus He has given us an eternity to know Him. It's my prayer that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will flow powerfully in your life as we seek the Kingdom of God together.

As Jesus encourages, "'Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you'" (Matthew 6:33).



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