How to choose a Bible translation is one of the most important decisions in your spiritual journey. As your companion in studying God's Word, your chosen Bible will influence your understanding and growth in faith for years to come. Your handwritten notes and colored underlining, will reflect every step of your Kingdom journey with the Lord.
We read in Scripture, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
Whether you're new to Bible study or seeking to deepen your scriptural knowledge, this guide will help you navigate the various translation types and choose the perfect Bible for your needs. Let's explore together how to select a Bible translation that will enhance your spiritual walk and biblical understanding.
By Don Bell | ⏱️ 9 minute read
Here's a concise overview of the types of Bibles that are available in local Bible bookstores and online. Knowing how to choose a Bible translation will save you time and ensure finding the best version for your study needs.
The NKJV is my personal choice for a study Bible. It offers the accuracy of a literal translation while using contemporary English. —Don
Recommendation: Excellent for serious Bible study. Highest accuracy to original texts.
Literal translations, also known as Formal Equivalence translations, stay as close as possible to the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, maintaining both the wording and grammatical structure of the source texts while remaining readable in English. They also maintain consistency in word usage making them ideal for Bible study, doctrinal research, concordance usage, and teaching.
Most literal translations read at a 9th to 12th grade level, reflecting their commitment to accuracy over simplified language.
Recommendation: Good for general Bible reading. Balances accuracy with readability.
Also known as a Dynamic Equivalence Translation, thought-for-thought translations bridge the gap between ancient and modern understanding by focusing on conveying the meaning behind the words and phrases in the original manuscripts.
While they may reflect some interpretive choices, they can be valuable tools for understanding Scripture, especially when used alongside literal translations.
Recommendation: Best for devotional reading. A focus on contemporary language.
Paraphrase Bibles are not literal translations of the Word; they contain an author's commentary and can reflect doctrinal biases.
Paraphrase Bibles serve a unique purpose — they make biblical concepts more accessible through contemporary language. While they're excellent for devotional reading and gaining fresh insights, it's always beneficial to pair them with literal translations for in-depth Bible study. Think of them as helpful companions instead of primary study tools.
Recommendation: Not for serious Bible study. Best used as a supplementary resource.
The Passion Translation (TPT) isn't a "translation" in the traditional sense. It's the work of its author, Brian Simmons, and it's positioned somewhere between a paraphrase and a thought-for-thought translation.
When evaluating TPT, it's important to understand its unique approach. While it offers poetic and emotionally engaging language, it takes significant interpretive liberties with the original texts.
For serious Bible study, you might want to consider using it alongside a literal translation to ensure accurate understanding of Scripture. Here are some examples that illustrate the differences:
First, here's a verse from the New King James Version of the Bible:
"And to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:10 NKJV).
Now compare the NKJV's literal translation to the same verse from The Passion Translation of the Bible:
"And to another the power to work miracles.
And to another the gift of prophecy.
And to another the gift to discern what the Spirit is speaking.
And to another the gift of speaking different kinds of tongues.
And to another the gift of interpretation of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:10 TPT).
Did you spot the difference? The Passion Translation interpreted the "gift of discerning of spirits" as the "gift to discern what the Spirit is speaking." This interpretation differs significantly from the original text, which could lead to misunderstanding the true meaning of "discerning of spirits."
And that's only one instance of error! The Passion Translation alters Scripture to a completely different meaning at times.
Brian Simmons once described in an interview1 how Jesus appeared one night in his bedroom and commissioned him to a "translation project." Jesus promised to give him "secrets of the Hebrew language, secrets of the Bible."
Simmons went on to reveal that he named his book "The Passion Translation" after an angel named Passion whom he saw in a church meeting. But that's not all. Simmons said that on one visit to Heaven, Jesus took him to the library where he was given two books. A third book titled "John 22" caught his eye (John's Gospel only has 21 chapters), and Jesus said that He would give it to him at another time.
Scripture clearly tells us, "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar" (Proverbs 30:5, 6).
Avoid this "translation" when choosing a study Bible! As British Bible scholar Dr. Andrew Wilson has noted:
"The Passion 'translation' inserts all kinds of concepts, words and ideas of which the original gives no hint whatsoever (despite the occasional footnotes which say 'implied by the context')."2
These are specialized Bible formats that are designed to serve different study and reading purposes. Formats include Parallel Bibles, Annotated Bibles, Topical Bibles, Archaeological Bibles, Comparative Bibles, Devotional Bibles, Illustrated Bibles, and the Chronological and Interlinear Bibles outlined below.
The NKJV Chronological Study Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers deserves a special mention.
I love the Chronological Study Bible, as it reads like a historical epic. —Don
This Bible is a literal translation, but instead of following the traditional book-by-book arrangement, it presents the text of the New King James Version in the order events are believed to have occurred — complete with helpful notes, historical context, time charts, colorful graphics, and detailed maps.
You'll find this Bible very engaging to read, but it's not always easy to look up a specific verse because of its unique format. That said, it makes a great companion to your regular study Bible, as it helps to place biblical events in perspective.
Wondering how to choose a Bible translation that will reveal the Word of God in the original Greek? Some readers consider getting an "interlinear" Bible to have as a companion resource.
Interlinear Bibles display the original Hebrew or Greek text with a word-for-word English translation directly underneath each original language word, which is helpful for in-depth biblical language study.
One example of a hardcover version is The Interlinear Bible Greek-English (Vol. IV New Testament) by Jay P. Green, Hendrickson Publishers (see sample image above).
The hardcover 720-page edition weighs in at almost 2 1/2 pounds, so it's not what you'd call light reading (sorry for the pun), but it's great for home study purposes.
You can try this FREE online Greek-English Interlinear Bible to see whether investing in a hardcover version would be of interest.
Very few Christians ever develop the ability to read The New Testament in its original Greek texts. So, an interlinear Bible can help those studying with no prior knowledge of Greek to discover the nuances and layers of meaning within the original Greek texts.
However, interlinear Bibles are not for everybody's taste, and some students find that having access to a Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance is just as useful.
Would you prefer to study the Bible on your desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device?
The Olive Tree Bible app is one that I use for all my online Bible studies, and I absolutely love it. —Don
Here's how to choose a Bible translation and receive a resource library of inspirational Christian study books — Get the Olive Tree Bible App! Enjoy easy access to various Bible translations along with a selection of familiar commentaries, outlines, ancient maps, and more.
Your study Bible library is always accessible, even without WIFI, and the software is very easy to use. Perform easy Scripture searches along with highlighting, copy-and-paste, study notes, and numerous other features.
And the amazing thing is it's FREE, although there is a charge for some add-on Bibles and reference books. Visit Olive Tree to read more about this amazing app.
The beauty of having multiple study Bibles available is that we can compare scholarly approaches to the biblical text. Each translation style can offer unique insights, and using several can enrich our understanding of God's Word.
For instance, there is great value in consulting at least one literal translation of the Bible, a paraphrase Bible, and possibly an interlinear Bible for determining what the Scriptures reveal of the Word of God.
How to choose a Bible translation:
Read sample passages from different translations. For instance, Amazon features a wide variety of Bibles in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle editions. By using the handy "Look inside" feature, you get to view a portion of the text to see whether it's suitable for your needs.
How to choose a Bible translation is not just a one-time decision but an investment in your spiritual growth. Take time to make an informed choice. Start with a reliable study Bible (NKJV, ESV, or NIV recommended).
As you grow in your faith journey, you may find value in consulting multiple translations and digital study tools to gain fuller insights into Scripture. The best Bible translation is one that you'll read regularly and understand clearly, drawing you closer to God through His Word.
1 Roth, S. (2016, June 13). "Brian Simmons - Sid Roth – it's supernatural!" Retrieved May 8, 2023, from
2 Wilson, Andrew. "What's Wrong With the Passion 'Translation'?" Andrew Wilson, 6 Jan. 2016. Web. 15 Apr. 2021.
Don Bell is the creator of the Kingdom Anointing website, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He shares insights from his spiritual journey to encourage ordinary believers to seek God's Kingdom and lead extraordinary lives in the Holy Spirit.